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( )1. —How’s everything going on?

A. Everything is finished

B. Everything is well

C. Not so bad, you know

D. Not doing wrong; you know

( )2. —Hello, Kate. How was your birthday? —_____. What about yours?

A. Very well, thank you

B. Happily, in London

C. It’s great, thanks

D. I’m pleasure

( )3. —I’m sorry I broke your mirror. —Oh, really? _____.

A. It’s Ok with me

B. Don’t be sorry

C. I don’t care at all

D. It doesn’t matter

( )4. —I’m sorry to trouble you.

A. The same to you.

B. What a pity! I"m sorry to hear that.

C. It doesn’t matter. What is it?

D. Thanks a lot.

( )5. —Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents.

A. That’s kind of him.

B. That’s kind of you.

C. Of course.

D. How are you?

( )6. —Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.

A. No thanks, please.

B. I’m glad you like it.

C. Please don’t say so.

D. No, it’s not so good.

( )7. —You need my help?

A. No, thanks.

B. Yes, but I don’t need your help.

C. No, it’s very kind of you.

D. Yes, but I can manage.

( )8. —May I draw it now?

A. Yes, thanks.

B. You are welcome.

C. Do, please.

D. Yes, you may.

( )9. —Please pass me the dictionary.

A. That’s right.

B. Here you are.

C. Not at all.

D. It’s a pleasure.

( )10. —Would you like me to fetch you something to read?

A. Go ahead, please.

B. No problem.

C. That would be nice.

D. You"re welcome.


I. Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。10’)

( ) 1. A. go B. behind C.in front of

( ) 2. A. museum B. post office C. music

( ) 3. A. on B.is C. at

( ) 4. A. turn right B. go home C. turn left

( ) 5.A.pizza B. hamburger C. restaurant

II. Read and choose.(读一读,选出正确的答案。10’)

( ) 1. -- How can I ________the cinema? -- Go straight and turn left.

A. get to B. get on C. get off

( ) 2. What ________interesting film !

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 3. Turn left ________ the cinema.

A. on B. of C. at

( ) 4. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the ______. A. hospital B. library C. cinema

( ) 5. The restaurant is next to the park _________Dongfang Street.

A. at B. on C. to

( )6.Where is the post office?

A.Thank you. B.Is there a post office? C.It’s next to the bookstore.

( ) 7.Robin has GPS. He can ______________.

A. find food B. read books C. find the way

( ) 8.The hospital is __________the cinema.

A. next B. near C. near to

( )9.--________ is the museum shop? --It’s next to the door.

A. What B.Where C.How

( )10. I want ________________ a bag.

A. buy B. to buy C.buying

III. Read and write(读一读,根据提示写出正确答案10’)

1. It’s next to the __________________ .(书店)

2. Excuse me. Where is the _______________?( 医院)

3. ___________________.(直走)

4. __________________(左转) at the science museum.

5. __________________(右转)at the cinema. You can see it .

IV. Read and choose (读一读,选择正确的答语10’)

1.Is there a park in your city?( )

2.Where is the bookstore? ( )

3.How can we get to the museum? ( )

4.Is it far? ( )

A.It’s next to the hospital.

B.No, it’s not far.

C.Yes, there is.

D.First, go straight.Then, turn left

V. Read and complete a sentence.(连词成句。10’)

1. how I can get to the post office (?)


2. a hospital near here is there (?)


3. the next to it’s bookstore (.)


4. school at the turn right (.)


5. is the post office where (?)


VI. Read and write(根据汉语意思,补全句子。10’)


Go straight and turn left _________ __________ __________________.


___________ can I ___________ ___________ the post office?


First, ______straight and then _________ ___________ at the first ______.

VII. Read and write(看答语,写问句。10’)


---No, there isn’t a hospital near here.


---The bookstore is next to the cinema.


---No, it’s not far.


---Go straight for


--- The hospital is in front of the post office.


( )1. —What does your new house look like?

A. It looks well.

B. It looks like a cave.

C. It is bright and large.

D. I don’t like it.

( )2. —How about going out for a walk?

A. Yes, I will.

B. Taking a walk is good for us.

C. Why not?

D. I’ll go out for a walk.

( )3. —How do you like your English teacher?

A. Like him.

B. Yes, I do.

C. He’s very tall.

D. He’s very kind.

( )24. —I would like a cup of tea.

A. I, too.

B. I did so.

C. Me, too.

D. Me, either.

( )5. —He likes playing football.

A. So am I.

B. So did I.

C. So do I.

D. So I do.

( )6. I _____ staying at home _____ going there, for it is raining heavily.

A. prefer ; than

B. like better ; to

C. prefer ; to

D. like best ; than7

( )7. —I’m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting so long, Tom.

A. Not at all.

B. You are welcome.

C. This doesn’t matter.

D. Never mind.

( )8. —I’m sorry I lost your pen. —Oh, _____? That’s all right.

A. yes

B. sorry

C. really

D. sure

( )9. —I’m sorry I broke your pencil.

A. It doesn’t matter.

B. Thank you.

C. Excuse me.

D. Pardon?

( )10. —A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A. You have some happy holidays, too, sir.

B. Thank you, sir. The same to you.

C. Thanks, sir. The best of luck to you.

D. That’s very kind of you to say so.

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