关于沙尘暴的英语作文 Sand Storm

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关于沙尘暴的英语作文 Sand Storm

关于沙尘暴的英语作文 Sand Storm

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In general, the sandstorm refers to carry large amounts of dust storm, tend to occur in the desert or semi-arid areas. But have strict scientific sense of the sandstorm. Weather in general with visibility to differentiate between the sand and dust storm: visibility less than 1 km to dust storms, visibility 1 km in more for dust or flying sand weather.

Experts with the China environmental testing station with the concentration of suspended particles in the air as a measure. Recently suspended particle concentration dust weather in Beijing general not more than 1000 micrograms per cubic metre, and dust concentration is far more than the index.

The expert points out, should distinguish between dust, flying sand and dust, etc. Three kinds of common weather conditions. Dust weather, diffuse tiny particles in the atmosphere, dust from outside, the flying sand weather of sand is local. Dust and flying sand dust weather with the two kinds of weather conditions, but the ratio of the two are changed. Dust weather as part of the index, can only be called a sandstorm.


