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1、Election monitor speech 尊敬的老师亲爱的同学们Dear teachers竞选班长英语作文, dear students大家好hello everyone今天,我能站在讲台上参加我们班的班长竞选我感到非常自豪,也非常紧张Today, I can stand on the platform to。

2、quotDing Linglingquot the class bell rang, and the students rushed into the classroom like a swarm of bees They immediately sat down and waited for the teacher to come in All of a sudden, Mr Gao wal。

3、竞选班长英语作文 篇1 Today, our class held the monitor election `And I became the new monitor in my class I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now When the election began, I was so nervous that I。

4、Run for monitor speech of 100 words 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们Beloved teacher, dear students大家好Everybody is good竞选班长英语作文!我叫张小华,之所以来竞选班长,是因为我鼓足竞选班长英语作文了勇气在班级中,我算是一个佼佼者,学习一直不。

5、1 以我想当班长写以篇英语作文,这节课要交,请大家帮帮忙,急 Li Min is our monitor She is tall, healthy and lively She does well in all subjects She is fond of sports and is good at singing and dancing Li。

6、Hello,everybodyThis is xxx Here I feel very much honoured to have a chance to make a speech for running for monitor of our class 这里,我十分有幸为竞选本班班长一职发表演说I am adequate to be in。

7、the monitor election`and i became the new monitor in my classi was very happy,but i was still very nervous nowwhen the election began,i was so nervous that i can hear my heart beating heavilyi tr。

8、someone shouted,quotJiang Xin, why not join in and run for monitor?quot Jiang Xin stood up embarrassed,quotI am no good If anyone is in need of me, I am ready to help ThatallquotThe time had come。

9、Believe me, I will work hard to help my classmates, to learn and live in a better way of learning, and to face difficulties with a positive attitude Of course, everyone is really goodDiscover the。

10、作文参考如下敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们今天我想竞选班级元首班长首先我认为班长不只个是称号,是个光环,而是份责任,是份热心我曾经是英语课代表,所以我深切感受到作为一名班干最重要的是一颗爱心真心热心 热爱。

11、英语作文竞选班长演讲词 The boy students in our class were preparing to run for monitor Hearing the news, we girls were full of iaterest and curiosity We were in bigh spirits and went to listen to their petltive。

12、7 我写一篇竞选班长英语作文20字 Hello everyone竞选班长英语作文! My name isI want to be the monitor of our class for I can undertake the responsibility and I have enough ability to be petent!First,what I think the monitor is。

13、My dear classmatesYou are good!Today, I walked to the podium to run for monitorIf I when the monitor, will you solve problems, if I as a monitor, I will work diligently and conscientiously, bear。

14、The boy students in our class were preparing to run for monitor Hearing the news, we girls were full of iaterest and curiosity We were in bigh spirits and went to listen to their competltive speech。


16、今天,我们班竞选班长了`我成为了新的班长我很高兴,不过我现在仍然很紧张竞选开始的时候,我好紧张,我都可以听到我的心怦怦跳了我努力了很长一 段时间才平静下来然后我才走向讲台开始我已经准备好的#39演讲在。