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1、My name is Wang Jie,I love animals very much Because I think they are very cute There are many animals in my home I have a dog, its name is Xiaoshi And I have a cat,its name is MimiAnd t。

2、There are five people in my familymy parents, my brother, my sister and IMy father is 48 years old He is fond of fund and bring us much happiness My mother is as old as him She just a。

3、1 五年级上册英语书第四单元的作文,急,现在就用, 在五年级下册英语第四单元作文我的人生道路上,有一句话一直激励着我前进,那就是“吃一堑,长一智” 那是一次数学考试,当老师发下试卷时,我发现很多题目都是比较简单,而且很多题目我还做过,于是心中暗自高兴。

4、The time i arrived home, four people were thereThey were my dad ,my mum,my uncle and my grandfather。

5、1 五年级下册英语第一单元作文 I am usually get up at six oI wash face at 610amAnd i make bed at 630am I often eat breakfast at 700amThen ,i go to school at 725amIn。

6、On Saturday nightMy father is watching TVMy mother is cleaning the roomMy brother is playing computerWhat is I doing?I am doing my homework。

7、1 五年级下册英语小作文 楼上的什么东东? 1特殊的学校日 Today is school sports day I am very excited I like soccer So I am watching the football match Itgreat Our team is winning I am very happy。

8、1五年级下册第四单元作文他___了 一天,英语演讲比赛开始,虽然在其他地点举行,不过也没什么好紧张的,照样去比赛场地非常大,好几十排椅子,整齐地排列在讲台左右两侧为所有人增加了一些压力而在评委宣布开始后。

9、4 五年级下册英语作文mysummerholiday只用一般现在时 My Summer HolidayI have been very happy during this summer holidayMy friends and I went to summer camp togetherDuring the summer camp,I went to see the Dam。

10、My Day Hi,my name is XXXLettell my day for youI get up at 620,eat breakfast at 650,go to school at 710,do morning exercises at 805,have English class at 910I usually go home。

11、他生气了 今天是星期六,上午爸爸要去上班,叮嘱我说“我去值班,你在家把英语背了,再把作业写了,我晚上回来抽查五年级下册英语第四单元作文!”我高兴地说“好的爸爸,保证完成任务”在他关上门的瞬间,我把耳朵贴在门上,听了一会儿,听不。

12、先引导学生走进现在进行时这一时态,以及这一事态的作用,教学生怎样变ing形式2讲解单词,把单词中的动词让学生用老师刚刚传授的办法变成ing形式,并强调发音 3,走进书中前部分的动词短语,领会意思4如有情景对话,让。

13、五年级下册英语作文范文My weekend我的周末 There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday周末有两天, 星期六和星期天On Saturday, I often do morning exercises at 800 in the morning 星期六,我。

14、1 五年级英语上册看图写英语作文是什么 Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents That morning, the weather was fine We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient To the zoo。

15、2 五年级第四单元作文怎么写 希望对你有所帮助一细观察细致观察是提高4 五年级下册语文第四单元习作400字 1一天的见闻 初二4班 钟世宏 小学五年级全科目课件教案习题汇总语文数学英语 第二天,老师捧着批改好的。

16、1五年级下册英语第一单元作文 I am usually get up at six oI wash face at 610amAnd i make bed at 630am I often eat breakfast at 700amThen ,i go to school at 725amIn the。

17、I love my bedroom I have a bedroom It is not big , but it is nice There is a bed in my bedroom A yellow dog is on the bed Every night,I sleep with it Next to the bed, there is a。