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1、Ten years beforechangesinmyhometown英语作文,my hometown was little and poorAnd now there are tall buildings here and there The streets are wider and cleanerMany people get richThey go to work by carA lot of people have。

2、In the pastchangesinmyhometown英语作文,my hometown was very smallPeople there lived a poor lifeThey lived in old housesRubbish was seen here and thereFew visitors came here在过去我的家乡很小changesinmyhometown英语作文,那里的人们过着贫穷的生活,changesinmyhometown英语作文他们住在。

3、Now great changes have taken place in my hometownThe environment has become more beautifulThe mountains are all green,the river clearer and the sky bluerMany people all have thier own cars and have a hap。

4、Changes in my hometown Over the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our Changes in our hometown In the past, the houses in our hometown were very old People used to walk or ride bicycles。

5、There have been many changes in my hometown latelyWhere old houses used to stand are towering buildings Early in the morning, instead of pedestrians and bikes on the way to work, there are buses and cars。

6、Great changes have taken place here You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets But with the development of。

7、Now great changes have taken place in my hometown The living conditions have been greatly improved Their houses are big and bright Many people have their own cars The mountains are green, the rivers are。

8、Now, great changes have taken place in my home town There are many tall buildings and department stores People go out by buses or cars But with the development, the fish disappeared gradually Air and。

9、以great changes in myhometown为题作文My hometown is located in Huixian County, Xinxiang City Great changes have taken place there in the years of reform and opening upIn the past, the environment here。

10、past, my hometown was very small People there lived a poor life They lived in old houses Rubbish was seen here and there Few visitors came here Now great changes have taken place in my hometown。

11、越来越多的人有上学的机会,他们也可以进入高等学府进一步深造 总的来说,我的家乡这几年发展很大2 求一篇初三英语作文,题目家乡的变化 100%原创 望采纳the changes in my hometown 家乡的改变in the past,my。

12、Changes in my hometown In the past,the living conditions in my hometown was very hard The roads were narrow and the houses were small and dark Usually, a big family crowded into a small and dark。

13、Great changes have taken place in my hometownIn the past,people live a poor life in my hometown The house is in bad conditions The air and the envionment are badly polluted Garbage can be seen。

14、to the country and its government,great changes have taken place in my hometownnow,students here can go to school by bike,you can not imagine how students walked to school beforeif you visited。

16、Changes in the water People change, too The world is changing all the time My hometown is no exception Today I will tell you about the changes in my hometown Roads in my hometown were dirt roads and potholes。