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The big poet Li Bai stayed with such a famous sentence: the people, the anti-travel of the people; the light of the Yin, the passengers of Qi Dynasty. This ethere is complicated, and it is really high-profile discourse, which allows us to taste a lot of taste. As long as we pour a strong feelings for life, we will find that under the topic of life, it is always not finished, and the eternal theme will always be embarrassed. On the road of life, it is impossible to always be smooth, always passing through the fog, cross the groove Chank. People live a life, no matter how busy, no matter how rich poverty, everyone is always looking for their own way of survival, walking in the process of life. Long life road we have passed, we love, hate, laugh, cry, taste, fully understand ---- detailed, experienced the wind and rain of life, taste the sweet people in the world I will have a reason to be reasonable and calm. "It is not surprising, and there is spent in front of Ren Tes; I will stay in the sky, watch the clouds in the sky." This is alive, I really live out of life and open-minded and one Divided freely. Relative to the vast universe, the human world is just a diloy in the sea, life is just a short instant. When I walked over the long years of spring and autumn, the life accumulated only, when I was full of scars, I was busy with my life; I was tired for the emotions, I walked over a distance, and I was always looking forward to it.

Send a shortness of life. In fact, people should experience and feel the whole process of life and every detail in this process. People are such a lifetime, life is like this, only to grasp the moment of life, in order to get the eternal life of life. In life, heart tired is usually caused by pressurization in their own ideology. We are too careful, too much about the small friction between your colleagues, too in the meaning of the invaliation, too in the gongs of the family. The life will always have trouble, open the eyes, all the eyes, close to the double eye, if everything is remembered, must be overwhelmed. I saw the trivial matter, forget the unfortunate, despise setbacks, which is not a spiritual release, the sublimation of life. Self-deprecating is a kind of wisdom. Life is sometimes not so satisfying. If we go to pursue perfection, maybe you will suffer, less fun. But let's change the way to treat life, give yourself a little comfort, live with grateful mood, maybe we will be much happy. Everything is unsatisfactory, self-deprecating, give yourself a retreat, give yourself a little more, give yourself some tolerance and understanding. In this way, we will calmly, thus a peaceful mood, making self-departments into a power for yourself. Life is like a boat, the boat of life is not moving too much material desire and vanity, if you want to be stranded or sinking in front of the other side, you must lightly, only need something, put down the decisiveness that should be put down, don't Have a desire to lock. Living in this world, there is no choice for life, perfect.

You can't have spring flowers and autumn months, or you can't have fruits and flowers. You can't ownThe mature wisdom of adults and the plenty of young people.You can't have a cheers of flowers and hobs at the same time.You can't take the road to the two different directions.You can't occupy all the benefits.You must always learn to weigh the loss, learn what to give up, and then you can get something.You always have to learn to accept the incompleteness and sorrow of life, then heart flatness.Because, this is life.

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