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拜年的英语作文 篇1

Spring Festival, New Year! The children all put on their new clothes, which are filled with New Year's money, you 100, I 50, the children's purse gradually bulging. There was a happy smile on his face. Children enjoy the Spring Festival best: to receive red envelopes, to put on wine, to worship relatives, to wear new clothes... The atmosphere of Chinese New Year is everywhere. Kids run, jump, play.

At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, another climax began. In the evening, every family eats glutinous rice balls. When the hot dumplings were finished, they went shopping. The streets were already crowded with people. Bustling crowds come and go. The street was full of people. Many shops are crowded with people.

In a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is over. It is time for the children to carry their bags to school, and the adults should go to their respective jobs.

The Spring Festival is such a grand occasion, our folk customs will never change.

拜年的英语作文 篇2

Today is December 31st, the last day of 20xx and the last day of this week. There is an art class this afternoon, so the teacher asked us to bring CARDS to make CARDS.

The art class hasn't started yet, everyone is happy, so am I, because I also like art class in all the classes.

At the beginning of the art lesson, we were very happy just to make a greeting card, but I was happier than the others. I began to do card at this moment, I'm going to the first greeting CARDS to Gao Zhengyang do first, I have set in this way, I have a green card first, cut a smaller part, and took out a red card, from red cardboard cut out two triangles. Then fold the green paper in half and put two triangles on the green card. Then I affixed the window and the door, and then wrote the blessing in it, and finally I gave the card to gao zhengyang.

I had a little time to finish my first card, and I was ready to make another card, which I decided to do.

Greeting CARDS, I began to do this is to miss wang, I first made the undulating hills, a blue paper and then put a little in the above design, and then wrote several blessing, finally put the CARDS to teacher wang.

I was ready to give each of my father and mother a piece, but before it was too late, the class was over.

At the end of the class, I received a greeting card, one of which was given by ding tian. One is chu ziang, and I received a small gift from gao zhengyang.

I am very happy and hope you are very happy too!

拜年的英语作文 篇3

Today, it is the second day of the big year. I went to my grandmother's house with my parents and I went to visit the New Year. We came to the station. There were a lot of people in the station, and they all carried all kinds of gift bags. We got into the car and drove off. I was very happy to be in the car because I was about to see my grandparents. After an hour, we finally arrived at the grandmother's house, the grandmother saw us to come, rushed out the firecracker to put up, is really lively.

I say: "grandmother, wish you good health, happy New Year!" The grandmother smiled and nodded, then took out a red envelope for me, I happily took the red envelope, happy to open the flower.

After lunch, we left, to tell the truth, I couldn't bear to leave. I was very happy today.

拜年的英语作文 篇4

The annual Spring Festival is coming again. Today, I got up early, put on my beautiful New Year clothes, and began to pay New Year's greetings to our troops!

We went first to the five grandmothers. The old granny's yard is big and full of flowers and plants. Now, the flowers are more showy in the starlight, and the stars give them a silver coat. We went into the house, which was very simple, a chair, a fresco, a sofa, a bed. Then my mother called me and said to me, "you haven't called five granny yet." "Oh! Five old granny is good. I said. The old woman said, "good. Sit down! I'll get you a big red envelope. I jumped with joy, and my heart was filled with joy! "Here, here is your red envelope." "Said the old woman. "Thank you, grandma." I said. The five grandmothers also praised me for being sensible. We are going to visit the next New Year, so we left the family of five.

We went to grandpa's house again. I have learned from my previous experience. This time, I did not need to mention my mother. This time I can not help but say the voice of the second grandfather, and said the New Year's blessing: "I wish grandpa a healthy, long life." "You are very polite, I give you that red envelope". "Said grandpa. I was so happy that I could not help being praised by others, and I was so happy to know how to get more red envelopes. Now, we are going to visit another house for New Year, so we left grandpa's house.

We came to a young family, because a few back to home on some of the old man, this time should be gone bad, this is the home of the young people, the last time I still use polite words sound: "uncle aunt good New Year". Then my aunt took a big red envelope from her pocket and put it in my hand and said, "you too will have a good year". I was happy because I had received a red envelope. Then I went to dozens more, I have more and more red envelopes, and finally I can't get it, I am so happy!

This New Year is a special time for me. I know how to give a red envelope, and I dare to say hello to others. I am so happy this time.

拜年的英语作文 篇5

Today is New Year's day, I play in the outside family, and also in the family.

My grandmother's granddaughter, my sister, was naughty, especially when I was there. She said to her uncle very early: "remember to buy a whip this year." These words, I'm accustomed to listening to his house and two little puppy, I saw the two dog was dressed in the New Year, I asked: "why the dog who is wearing clothes?" The younger sister jokingly laughed, said: "family reunion round!"

Then in the evening to eat the eve to eat dinner, also very lively, one person a cup of drink, with joy of drinking, also have a good dinner: a bowl of steaming braise in soy sauce fish, representing the "fish" year after year, there are big pig feet! Fry vegetables, there are many delicious dishes, eat good dinner, my sister and I prepared to let uncle buy all kinds of fireworks, mood suddenly excited a lot, my sister and I took a big directly that go out to play, so play up all of fireworks, just miss play firecrackers before, how happy.

Anyway, how time flies! Soon in the past, this is my New Year's day, a very brief, but there is a kind of can't describe happiness hope don't like this year, next year I hope next year than this year's New Year much more fun!

拜年的英语作文 篇6

Today, I and my parents back to grandma's prepared for the New Year, because thinking can get lucky money and New Year gift, the more I think more excited more think more excited. We take a boat to go back to the hometown, because the journey far away, so it's almost five o 'clock. At night, I how also can not sleep in bed, looking forward to arrive early tomorrow. The second day, I got up early, put on new clothes, walked into the kitchen, just take the door, grandpa will be shout: "grandson happy New Year!" I also cried, "grandpa happy New Year! I wish you good health all the best!" Grandpa smiled to continue cooking.

I again to the grandmother, father, mother, neighbor happy New Year, my family a happy New Year, aunt see I wish her more long more beautiful, saw uncle and wish him the work is smooth, saw the old man and wish good health! I always said the blessings, said people happy, listening to people is more happy, and also receive their blessing, and also receive relatives and friends gifts. Blessing has received as a gift, the more I mention how happy! Firecrackers continuously along the way, has been in the evening, all day long, bright, cheery, what a happy New Year!

拜年的英语作文 篇7

When I was a kid. The old man used the story of the year to scare me, and saw everyone go out on the street, and then I thought, are all of you altman going to fight the monster? Then I found out that I had been fooled by the old people. So I went out too.

Find the corners of each person's mouth with a strange radian. I also found that the corner of the mouth of the merchant is larger than the curve of the customer's mouth. The corners of the child's mouth are larger than the corners of the mouth of the merchant. I saw that everyone (including kids) had a bulging bag of stuff. I can smell sugar gourd, roll, squid and honey in everyone's mouth. The noise of the shouts, the laughter and the faint quarreling.

I went home. Found out in the field uncle suddenly appeared in this, the next firecrackers just like every family has appeared, each family is like the body has the use of the endless laughing gas. I laugh as if I were poisoned.

In the evening my mother threatened me, "I want to be on my guard today, otherwise, don't get lucky money." I have to fight for my lucky money.

As I get older, I don't know if I am too greedy or what, I find that the flavor of the year is becoming less and less.

I'm a little older now. It's about to go up! The New Year is coming soon! I wish I could laugh like I did when I was a child!

拜年的英语作文 篇8

Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often vit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fh, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.

拜年的英语作文 篇9

When the Spring Festival came, the children got up early and went to their parents' room and began the traditional worship ceremony. The children say some auspicious words to their parents, parents will take out the lucky money, let the children happy. Everyone hopes that this year will be auspicious and prosperous.

Some relatives and friends gathered together, tasting wine and food, and talking about some happy words. And the most happy is, we can take off to save money, and then happy running up the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, buggies, toy guns, football, etc., and as long as our mouth sweet a bit, say more blessed penis, that can make a lot of money!

People keep playing late into the night, eating delicious fruit and setting off firecrackers in their hands... Adults and children dance and play happily!

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