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Every year the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional festival in my country-the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, our great poet. So, what are the food customs of the Dragon Boat Festival? Everyone will say that they eat rice dumplings. Thats right, its zongzi, but the taste of zongzi is different in every place. Now let me tell you about zongzi.

As far as taste is concerned, the dumplings are stuffed with meat, sweet and salty. The northern dumplings are mainly sweet, while the southern dumplings are more sweet and less salty.

Take Beijing Zongzi as an example. There are three types of rice dumplings in Beijing: one is white rice dumplings made of pure glutinous rice, which is steamed and dipped in sugar; the other is small jujube rice dumplings, which are mainly filled with small dates and preserved fruits; The third kind is bean paste dumplings, and the filling is pure bean paste. Huzhou rice dumplings in Zhejiang are sweet and salty. The salty is stuffed with fresh pork soaked in soy sauce; sweet? It is also filled with jujube mud or bean paste, while other varieties include Babao rice dumpling, chicken rice dumpling, bean sand rice dumpling, fresh meat rice dumpling and so on. Sichuan salt and pepper dumplings are also unique. Its fillings are mainly glutinous rice, red beans, pepper noodles and Sichuan salt, plus a little diced bacon. And our Guangdong dumplings are very much in shape and taste. Such as Zhongshans reed dumpling, it is characterized by a round bar shape, thick like an arm, salty and sweet. The salty fillings have the usual flavors of roast chicken, egg yolk, Dongru, mung bean, barbecued pork, etc. There are even toppings such as XO sauce, abalone, Jinhua ham and so on. The sweet ones include lotus paste, bean paste, fruit paste, water and other ingredients. It can be seen that the phrase "eating in Guangdong" is indeed true.






This morning, Fan Yi and I were studying together at home, and I prepared before: a bowl of seasoned glutinous rice, some rice dumplings, blue grass and seasoned meat.

Mother picked up two zongzi leaves and circled the leaves into a funnel shape, but there was not a small hole, then put glutinous rice into it, buried the meat in the rice, sealed the mouth, and finally tightened it with bluegrass Its OK to tie it tightly.

After reading it, I couldnt wait anymore. I immediately took out two leaves to circle, but I couldnt circle the left circle and the right circle. I had to ask my mother to help me circle it. Lean meat was put in, and when I was about to seal it, "Sand--" "Ah! My rice dumplings" I yelled Mi Quan, and my mother shook her head when she saw it. "" Now I should take a look at Fan Yijuns dumplings, ha! Her buns are not dumplings but meat buns-only meat without glutinous rice (she loves meat). My mother put the wrapped dumplings in a pressure cooker and cooked it. After a while, we cooked it several times and it tasted so good.






Every place has different foods. Even if it is the same food, the practice and eating methods will be different in different places.

When I was at home for the first time, my grandmother brought me somehow. I was curious at the time, what was that? Grandma came over and told me that this is "Zongzi." Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, we can eat rice dumplings. She first bought high-quality rice, and then she found Zongziye. First, put the rice dumplings in the pot and cook. Grandma said: The leaves will scent when they are cooked. Grandma cut off both ends of the leaves again to pick out the bad ones. Then, start packing. Take two or three zongzi leaves to form a funnel shape, then put the rice in the leaves and wrap a zongzi leaf to cover the head to prevent the rice from leaking out, and finally string the zongzis tightly. Such a dumpling is wrapped up. Thats it, one, two, three...until you wrap it up.

The taste of dumplings is so delicious, so fragrant, some people may like to eat dumplings, and eating dumplings is also a good memory.







There are many customs in the hometown of Dragon Boat Festival like in the field: wrap the dumplings, put the dumplings into the filling, some meat, some bean paste, and some egg yolk; hang wormwood, dry one plant Wormwood hung on the door, you can "repel evil and go to the demon"; drink realgar wine, use realgar wine to draw a king on the childrens forehead, these are found in many places.

And when I arrived at the Dragon Boat Festival, I loved the dumplings wrapped in grandma. The dumplings of our Jiaxing Wufangzhai were famous. As long as people from other places talked about Jiaxing naturally, they remembered the dumplings of Jiaxing Wufangzhai.

Although the dumplings in Wufangzhai are very famous and delicious, the dumplings wrapped by my grandmother are not bad. They use good glutinous rice, which is white and fragrant. Even the dumplings are the best. It also has the fragrance of bamboo.

When it comes to zongzi, you have to mention the mini zongzi. This zongzi is just like this name. It will be gone after a bite. This can only be placed on the table. Everyone has been drinking and hungry. Pad the stomach. At home, everyone usually wraps some normal-sized dumplings. The process of wrapping dumplings is very complicated, and the methods and techniques of wrapping dumplings are very difficult. I will briefly introduce: first wash the glutinous rice, soak the dumplings in water overnight, pour the washed glutinous rice with soy sauce (including white soy sauce) He Lao smoked), then add some salt and MSG, stir the glutinous rice evenly, cut some meat, cut into chunks, also put some white smoked and old smoked, and then wrap the meat and glutinous rice in the rice dumplings.

This is the dumplings in my hometown.

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