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Today is the first day of our holiday. The long-awaited vacation is finally coming. After a semester's intense learning, we can finally relax and sleep in.

Unaware of the sunshine in the bedroom. “ ah — — ” I woke up from a dream with a yawn. Stretch, opened his dim eyes. Lazily dressed in clothes, a slouch. After dinner, help my mother to end the tableware, leaning on the wall to see "happy sheep and gray wolf".

I heard outside noisy, I went out to look, I was in Gansu with her aunt, and your baby, the baby has been on the first grade, than go have grown to cut, the cute little cow, is the first time I see, I am coming the spirit of their head, please come in and sit down quickly.

After sitting down, the bulls were so secure that they skipped and jumped for a moment, and then jumped and jumped, and played hide and seek with me. Playing and playing, he poured backward and accidentally poured it to the basin. He came to a &ldquo, sun bathing &rdquo, “ alas, Niu Niu Niu, you want to take a bath and don't be so anxious. Come on, I'll take you in the bath. ” the little cow was unsettled in the bath and made me water. I had to let my aunt wash him.

The sun has gone to the West unconsciously, and the aunt took them home, and I had a happy first day of winter vacation.


In May 2nd, our family and my dear uncles, aunts, and my little partners went to the ploughing house together.

There, I and my good friend Zhang Sifan chatted up, after a while, his father said: "you take the cup to catch crabs!" we are by common consent replied: "good!" so we get two cups on the sea to catch crabs, I have while looking for crabs she said to me: "put up the stone, to find the crab." So I opened a big stone, a look, a pair of purple pliers, green shell, a pair of big eyes, holding its claws, waving, as if to clip like us, so I took it out, it suddenly caught my hand. My hand was a lot of blood flow, then my good friend Zhang Sifan put one of its legs caught, put into the cup, then she took me back to the hotel for a band aid, but, surprisingly, when back to the hotel, my foot is not on the heart of small partners in the mud, down pull out up, I said: "your feet slowly forced to lift up." After a while her feet finally broke out, but the shoes are still inside, "I can help you!" I said, so I took a tremendous effort to put her shoes out, then the two of US helped each other back to the hotel, we had a rest and went down. I took a stone, saw a small crab, but ran very fast, I quickly grabbed one of its legs, put into the cup, and I told her and caught a lot of crabs, mudskippers, and a strange crab.

It's so funny. I feel a little sorry, because I only stayed there for a day, and I didn't have enough to go home, so next time I will go there to play.


Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally a long summer vacation. I had a full and happy holiday this year.

The pleasure of reading a holiday. Taking advantage of the summer vacation, reading well, reading more, can increase knowledge, this is a good plan. If you do some reading notes, write a few article about, the harvest will be greater. During the summer vacation, I seriously review the knowledge of primary school, the previous exercise volume after the study once again; I also participated in the “ 100% ” the training class, the first preview content, do you; I also read "how to make steel", "water Hu Zhuan" "stars spring water", etc. see masterpiece, "special attention", "meaning" and other magazines, I have benefited greatly, feel the pleasure of reading.

The pleasure of holiday travel. This summer vacation, I and my mother's trip to Gansu in Qinghai are unforgettable. We visited many natural and historical sites, beautiful Qinghai Lake, magnificent Jiayuguan, mysterious Mogao Grottoes, mysterious Crescent Spring &hellip, ·, and everything is forgettable. One of the most impressive is the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, more than 50 thousand pieces of ancient cultural relics is a piece of sculpture as the acme of perfection, a superb collection of beautiful things, beautiful murals for thousands of years without fading, really let me feel the ancient people's wisdom and diligence. This tour has made me learn a lot of knowledge, and it is also my happiest journey.


The vacation life, like to go to the seaside to pick up shells, leisurely and carefree, light of heart from care. The vivid picture of the curtain is still in the eye, &hellip of endless taste; … remember that day … …

In the song of the bird, I got up early. Today, I made an appointment with my partner to skate.

On the ground, I see: people are so many! They are swimming in this lovely and colorful world like fish. Some gentle stretching arms, gently, like light swallow in search of switchgrass rotation, fast; some turn, like dazzling dancers in the dance; some fear, were unable to take a step, like a lovely bear in the snow to play & hellip; … I love here! Although the South can not see the real snow, not throw a snowball, snowball fights, play skiing; but I have put this as a white fairy tale world. Here, I can dance to my youth and shake the sweat freely.

It's time for me to play. I'm particularly excited because I'm a beginner. I was helped by my partner and stood up slowly. Friends let me go round the handrail. My hand grasped the iron rod tightly and moved forward step by step. How hard it is! So careful, I still can't control the feet. The feet were involuntarily “ eight word ” a few steps were slipped out continuously. “ recycling, recycling — — ” I was crying in my heart. The more hasty the step was, the more disorderly I saw, and I fell out. “ ha ha, really like a turtle Prime Minister bang jump! ” the laughter of the partner. I turned back in a bad sense. Some friends, some laugh can not stand, some laugh straight foot.

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