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Today is sunny, grandpa put the bacon on the balcony to bask in。 My grandpa asked: "why put the bacon in the balcony bask in?" Grandpa said, "because today is Chinese New Year!" To the New Year! I almost cry out。 "I like the Spring Festival!" I am too agitated ecstasy, Shouting。

I got up early in the morning, to have a meal, because today is the Spring Festival。 After dinner, grandpa, dad and I stick red spring couplets on the door, Spring Festival couplets thriving is really happy。 Then, grandma, aunt, uncle, etc。 Many people came, we chat while eating and joyful。 When chatting to many people all say me and my cousin grew up, taller, more intelligent。 I have heard, fruity in my heart。

In a short time when the big New Year red envelopes, I and my cousin to adults happy New Year, happy New Year to say: "kung hei fat choi, a red envelope。" Then, the adults will give a red envelope to us。

In the end, is one of my favorite links — eat dinner! The grandmother serving! My mouth water。 A: wow! There are my favorite braise in soy sauce meat, pork ribs soup, big pig leg, Fried chicken wings。。。 I and several friend you can't resist, hurriedly put the meat into her mouth。 This feeling don't mention how happy。

Eaten dinner, we began to watch Spring Festival gala, snack shou sui until twelve o 'clock in the evening?

During the Spring Festival this year is really happy。








My Spring Festival Spring Festival with you, I am back to my hometown of henan RuNa, put a lot of all kinds of guns, a large paper gun, the flying ray, flying rockets, mine and so on。

One day, I took a 30 cm high, a large diameter 20 cm, white paper gun in the snow, its power is greater than the small hand grenades, I use the lighter lit the fire, and then I quickly ran into the house, 1, 2, 3, boom, as if the earth were to vibrate, I ran to see, have a big snow hole, larger than I had imagined。 We also carried a throw of the mine into the water, a big splash soar when power is endless, blown fly up with all the ice surface, appear on the surface of the spectacular sights, a lot of black smoke from the water。

In the home for the holiday really happy, I can shot, can also lead a lot of boy scouts, I in the home of a lot of fun these days。





The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, celebrating the country, together, spend the holidays。

Haven't been to the Spring Festival, many people have to keep yourself excited mood put a gun to the "meteor shower" in dribs and drabs, true the United States。

On New Year's eve, I was stripped several meal at home to put up the firecrackers, ignition, the way to cover their ears and listen to a sharp hiss, then "bang" sound, the fireworks in the night to draw a silver back—arc exploded, a bunch of dazzling petard, rotate, zoom, deformation, a beautiful Christmas tree miraculously appeared。 A bunch of fireworks up, such as flower bloom, the sky bright as day and night。

The neighborhood kids to get。 They merrily merrily, holding a small lantern, like a fish in the crowd, noisy。 Fireworks like joking, while I do not pay attention to, the exploding suddenly in my head, I just looked up and called and called, very not happy。

Gorgeous fireworks on the sky, the ground of children laughing eyes open。






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