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春节英语作文 篇1

The end of the term, the Spring Festival is coming, my in the mind very excited, I already planned out how the Spring Festival, now the Spring Festival day and night looking forward to coming oh, I must have a full and meaningful.

First of all, have to take out couplet, the home of a few doors down to deck, let the home everywhere permeated with a festive atmosphere. Fireworks are essential, of course, I especially like the fireworks fly in the sky after, raining from falling. Dumpling is one of the food necessary for Spring Festival, mother handmade dumplings, fresh and tender, delicious, I simply have to and eat a meal, snack.

Secondly have to relatives friend home happy New Year. Comes in at the door, I'm going to "uncle aunt long and short" to call them, then take mom and dad to buy a good gift to them, hee hee, their relatives dine and wine we will warmly, brought delicious dim sum and put candies, and my favorite hunan bud tea, that is made of sesame tamped, as long as with boiled water bubble, wow, the aroma, let a person lick one's chaps, appetite is big.

春节英语作文 篇2

Spring Festival is the most solemn festival, spent the day the Chinese people rejoice together, although custom is different, but the joy is still rippling in everyone's heart. According to the custom of our hometown, the beginning of the Spring Festival is around the twelfth month 20, a month, 20, every family began to prepare for New Year's day, the children also put off. Happy to play with friends, parents are busy in busy outside, all the prosperity of a busy year.

春节英语作文 篇3

New Year, the happiest thing is to receive red envelopes, for my true reality of the young people, their purpose is - to the money in line.

Previously, the New Year is a family reunion opportunities, and friends and family meet the moment, then the New Year can be described as a very grand and sacred a holiday. Hope to reunite with their families, and friends are out of the wandering out of the only wish. How warm and beautiful is that moment? However, in our society, in our group of young people is completely subversive this thing, the New Year income is their only purpose.

Now the New Year, for young people, is a good opportunity to make money, "reciprocity" is nothing more than you send me money, my parents send you money. They may never thought that their hands of the "little treasury" is actually given to parents indirectly.

Over the New Year, busy all day, the whole people like a soul like a fall, as if to visit friends and family is just a task only. That day, I passed my parents' room, inadvertently heard their conversation ...

"Well, this New Year I do not think about it, and now busy cover the house, the capital is not enough!" Mother sighed.

"New Year Well, is to and the gas, and say what frustration, then a happy year is not it?" Dad comfort revealed a trace of frustration.

"What is the New Year, is not to give others benefit is it? You say our family all year round, the end of the year before coming back New Year, Lee is less, there are few we stingy, but they do not know our current situation, this year is not Give them money? "

Hearing this, I quietly left, as they later said something, I do not know. I only know that I am now the hands of lucky money, in fact, that is, parents have been running around to earn the hard earned money, but they put their hard earned money with the "another way" to our hands fills.

Here I think, to save their own private money to the parents, did not live up to this "filial piety", because in our hands, only unbridled waste.

Based on this, the students come back after the New Year is the only topic of their own red envelopes and their own private money saved are "confiscated", and had wanted to buy the money to buy that there is no to complain. They did not think of this - spend pocket money at the same time, that is equal to the indirect waste of their parents earn money back. In the ideological education class, the mouth said that for the parents to share, but this little thing can be "sun" out, and parents care about how much money "save" in the parents there. Do parents give you all are free? So that you are so mean, even the old money are not willing to give parents?

The New Year, let me know a lot

春节英语作文 篇4

he first of the first month is the February 10th of XX. This is a long - awaited day. Do you know what the festival is? Ha, it's right! It's the Spring Festival.

In this day, our family went to my grandfather's house. Grandpa made a lot of regular dishes, such as: Spicy cucumber, chicken, pig's hoof... I eat these dishes to eat. At my grandfather's house, I have made many new friends. Then, I went to my home, there is little in the firecrackers, crackling, lively. I played firecracker, and new friends play together, others may feel that I am so big also play house, very naive. However, I think that people's happiness is no limit, why not play house?

The dinner time, a child sitting together and laughing, chat, can be happy. After dinner, we children together with fireworks, the fireworks can be beautiful, colorful.

But the good things won't last long, and I'm going home. I had to leave the friends in a bad way. But what is happening today will always be remembered in my heart.

春节英语作文 篇5

On the morning of the first day of the year, when the sky was light and the whole family set off firecrackers, the sound was deafening and I got up. As soon as I was out of the house, I saw all the houses in the house. Children in the streets are setting off firecrackers, others are playing, and children are laughing and laughing all over the street. Shops are also open for business.

The most exciting thing is the noon. The streets are crowded with people. People jostling with each other. Some adults with their children in the shopping, some children with their beloved toy gladly running around and other children cried and cried out, want to call to buy a toy. The shops in the streets were bewildering, with toys, barbeques, books and clothes. Some big sisters were talking and laughing, and some businessmen were gushing. The heat is in the air.

The night was coming. As I looked up at the night sky, a lot of fireworks were coming into the sky and the colors of the fireworks were lit up and the sky was decorated with colors. I went up to the roof and had a bird ;s-eye view. As if the whole world were enveloped in light.

春节英语作文 篇6

my spring festival is special。 my uncle and my aunt came back from shanghai。 my family were very happy to keep the spring festival with them。 and it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals。

on new year’s eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together。 my mum did some cooking with my aunt grandparents and i watched the new year tv programmes。 at about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner。 we all thought the dumplings were delicious。on the first day of the new year, we visited our relatives。 in the afternoon, we went shopping in jiefanf road。 my uncle bought some jay’s cds。 he likes jay’s music very much。 there were so many people on the road。 it was more alive than any other time of a year。

on the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country。 there were much bigger trees than in the city。 and the animals were more beautiful than in the city。 we all enjoyed ourselves。

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