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我的暑假英语作文 篇1

Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like.Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clock. After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack’s favorite. Jack always play with him on the weekends. At night, he watched TV on the sofa. At the some time, he ate many delicious snacks. So he really had a great time.At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today. I will become the happiest boy all over the world.

我的暑假英语作文 篇2

Time flies, sun and the moon flies, blink of an eye between the summer passed, into the new semester. Recalled what happened in the summer vacation, it is really like the stars in the sky, count the number of it! But in the stars of the most shining that one or summer vacation in Qingdao.

I remember one day in the evening of July, my mother told me to take me tomorrow to Qingdao to play, when I was very happy. The next morning at five o'clock we set foot on the journey to Qingdao. At noon, we finally came to the dream of the coastal city - Qingdao.

We first to the famous "sea mountains" Laoshan. Our car driving in the Laoshan mountain road, the window peaks stand, Shanhai phase. Mountain waves at the foot of the waves, rolling waves. I feel like a paradise on earth, it is refreshing. We climbed up the mountain and climbed up the mountain. Soon, a row of waterfalls suddenly appeared in front of the waterfall that would like to soar, magnificent. This is the famous "Longtan Waterfall" really well-deserved reputation, that magnificent momentum like "flying down three thousand feet" as spectacular.

We then take the cable car to reach Mingxia hole. This hole is very strange. Standing on the front of the cliff platform, overlooking the distance, clouds filled, such as waves roll. Listen to the tour guide said that the ancient Taoist teacher Zhang Lianfu in this hole for a full 21 years. The last year, this hole will send a brilliant light. It can be seen that the practitioner's heart is deep.

We went to Laoshan the largest dojo - Taiqing Gong. Palace has a hundred years of ginkgo, pine and cypress and other trees. More than 150 houses, respectively, three independent homes. Courtyard roof blue tile golden eaves, in the sun shining brilliant. Surrounded by walls inlaid with many beautiful patterns, showing the ancient labor of the people of superb skills and infinite wisdom.

In the evening, we are down the mountain, and under the guidance of the tour guide, we also visit the trestle, stone old and the May Fourth Square and other attractions.

I love Qingdao, that elegant and chic architecture, blue waves of the sea, long golden sand beach, lush subtropical trees, so I appreciate the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland. Ah, beautiful Qingdao!

我的暑假英语作文 篇3

Summer came. I am ready to write homework immediately, to aunt aunt guest. Afternoon aunt called me to her house guest, my mother sent me to aunt aunt, aunt lived in a small village called the bottom of the cliff.

Aunt took me and my brother to climb the mountain. Climbing slowly to step by step, if you climb too fast will fall. Mountain climbing is not easy, but down the mountain is very easy. There are many scorpions on the mountain, long black belly, the stomach has two eyes, four lines of markings, I dare to move it. There are many pear trees, peach trees, walnut trees, jujube trees and almond trees. I have not seen the jujube trees, jujube trees and thorn it, I get it, it will bar me.

I've also been to the shallow pond on the road. There are many small tadpoles, there are big and small, I do not know how to catch, and finally I put the water in the soil, take the bottle moving water into the water into the smoke, tadpoles were choked can not swim, so I'll catch it.

We also catch frogs to catch small fish. I slowly took the two bottles secretly corresponding, ready to catch the fish, the fish is very smart, not easily fooled, but it thought it was his new home, and into the bottle, I caught it, but it died No, really sorry, really sorry ah.

Aunt family has three dogs, the youngest dog called magic hall. It looks like my three fists are big, it is very smart, do not like shouting loud voice, and like the light of the call. I gently called it over, the magic hall will roll it, but unfortunately the sister of the child killed.

Aunt family also jujube, aloe vera, aloe tree leaves can cure mosquito bites, a plant called Ai will prevent mosquito bites.

I also saw the bridge, there are lights on the bridge it Under the bridge is the river, the river has stones, streams and grass. The air in the village is fresh and the road is paved with stones.

I have been to Yanzhuang town, where the fire can go to Yanzhuang on the road I see the town there are many buildings, shops a lot of things dazzling, the price is very expensive, the town has two paintings on the middle of the wall, Which has a picture above the guard hand holding a knife, standing high.

Auntie is very good, I am here very happy.

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