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猪老大和猪老二连忙跑到了猪小弟的房子里猪老大和猪老二救命呀三只小猪台词剧本,弟弟,大灰狼来了,快开门,让三只小猪台词剧本我们进去猪小弟开门,三人一起顶住门狼也跑到了猪小弟的房子前面狼小猪啊,小猪 ,你们快开门让我进去三只小猪一。


第一只小猪惊慌地躲进了他的稻草屋野狼quot嘿嘿quot地冷笑了两声,狠狠吹了口气就把稻草屋吹倒了老大只好撒腿就跑 第一只小猪径直跑到第二只小猪家,边跑边喊。

Three little pigs and a wolf#39s storyOne day, the wolf must eat the three little pigs The three little pigs have two in the doorway, there is one on the roof A and B pig pig pig at the door。



three little pigs is very cute 三只小猪真可爱呀 Well,well ,very well 一天一天长大拉!三只小猪三只小猪英语剧本The Story of the Three Little Pigs 旁白There was an old mother with three little。

Pig 1OK!Mum!We#39ve got it! Pig 1Haha!Building house?Too easy for me! I Only need to put some straw on the ground!That is my house now!Heihei! WolfWhat a stupid!Such a house can stop my powe。

为你听记如下希望能帮到你My name is Goo Goo I am the first pigGoo Goo, Goo Goo, he is Goo GooI am tired I will take a naptake a napMy name is Tung Tung I am the second。

Once upon a time there were 3 BIG pigs 参考~三只小猪英文故事 One day it rained and the pigs got wet So they each decided to build a house The next day, the first pig looked around to。


人物pig1, pig2, pig3, wolfPig1 Hello!Pig2 Hello!Pig3 Hello! Everyone!歌曲who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf ?who’s afraid of the big bad wolf ? Tra, la。

英语短剧三只小猪 领衔主演M猪妈妈P1猪哥哥P2小猪P3猪弟弟W老狼 主要演员T树1T2 树2B1小鸟1B2 小鸟2 故事内容旁白Long long ago , there were three little。

英语短剧三只小猪 领衔主演M猪妈妈 P1猪哥哥 P2小猪 P3猪弟弟 W老狼 主要演员T树1 T2 树2 B1小鸟1 B2 小鸟2 故事内容旁白Long long ago , there were three little pigs lived with their。



Little Duck三只小猪One sunny Sunday morning, Little Duck went to visit his grandma On his way, he met Mr Cat and Mr Goat, who were both in trouble Little Duck was very kind, and he helped。