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1、蜘蛛侠之语录TheQuotesofSpiderMan Whatevercomesourway,whateverbattlewehaveraginginsideus,wealwayshaveachoice,#39sthechoicesthatmakeuswhoweare,andwecanalwayschoos。

2、Spiderman,I said,uh,the great thing about when you look in her eyes,and she#39s looking back in yours,everything feels not quite normal,because you feel stronger,and weaker at the same。

3、1We#39re gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders从现在开始的每一天蜘蛛侠1英文台词我们都要提着脑袋过日子了2Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?因为即使我们没达成目。

4、蜘蛛侠经典台词 1 蜘蛛侠1 的名言看过的地球人都知道“能力越大,责任越大”With great power there must also come great responsiblity蜘蛛侠2 说的是“面对命运与其逃避不如勇敢接受”蜘蛛侠3蜘。

5、I also want to him But he is not here I can#39t think of the last sentence I said to him He want to say with me something important, but I ignored him You love him very much He also love。


7、With great power comes great responsibility蜘蛛侠是美国导演山姆·雷米执导的超级英雄类型电影,改编自漫威漫画,由托比·马奎尔克尔斯滕·邓斯特等主演该片于2002年5月3日在美国首映影片主要讲述了一位名叫彼得·。

8、美国电影蜘蛛侠里,彼得的叔叔对蜘蛛侠1英文台词他说过“能力越大,责任越大”,英文台词是with great power comes great responsibility。

9、他叔叔打电话打给的是彼得帕克,电话里说quot能力越大,责任越大quot原版英文台词是With great power comes great responsibility这是对于有着特殊身份或能力的人对于这个社会所承担的责任多少的经典概括希望帮助楼主,望采纳。

10、是谁拍到蜘蛛侠的照片?I don#39t knowHis stuff comes by mail you are lying蜘蛛侠1英文台词!我不知道,他都用寄的蜘蛛侠1英文台词你在说谎蜘蛛侠1英文台词!I swear He#39s the one who can bring me to him我可以肯定,他是那一个能带我找到蜘蛛侠。

11、3蜘蛛侠3中结尾部分的独白的台词 it#39s the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right 我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎 样的人 在于我们选择做怎样。

12、蜘蛛侠的应该还有很多只是找双语的太麻烦了,感觉没分有不是很想找 如果觉得有些话并不经典那请你去看一遍电影吧,每个人的感觉不一样喜欢的地方不一样,如果真的那么想知道经典台词,就算知道了是什么对白不知道它的含义哪有什么意义。

13、quotmy gift, my cursequot我的天赋,我的诅咒 “Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time You feel excited and at the same time, terrified “当我看着你,看着你看着我,我变得坚强,也更软弱。

14、蜘蛛侠经典台词quot能力越大,责任越大quot 原版英文台词是“With great power comes great responsibility”。

15、老外解读老外的语言怎样都会比我们逐字翻译来的准确有了这个前提,开始推论以我直接学口语,而不是执着文法的学英文方法,我更注重这句话的语境,而不是语法而说这句话的蜘蛛侠是黑化了的自私蜘蛛侠因此,I missed。


17、Spider Man 蜘蛛侠 英文电影经典台词 英文电影经典台词 1Love means never having to say you are sorry爱意味着永不说后悔爱情故事 2Maybe I es at you我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手。