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3、story 英 美 故事,传说 历史,沿革 内情 传记vt 用历史故事画装饰 讲的故事 把作为故事讲述vi 说谎例句The seco。

4、故事的英语tale的读音英 te美 ten 故事,传说对真人真事精彩的或夸张的描述,讲述谎言流言蜚语 短语 Shark Tale 鲨鱼黑帮 鲨鱼故事 鲨鱼帮 鲨鱼传说 A Tale of。

5、The fox and the horse A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so his master no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, quotI can certainly make no。

6、story,factor,folk story, fale story, tale,legend,experience。

7、story, tale。

8、讲故事的英文是taletelling词汇分析音标短语narrate taletelling 讲故事 Our Taletelling 我们讲故事 taletelling capacity 故事的能力 拓展双语例句1She often makes game。

9、童话故事的英文Fairy Tales Fairy 读法 英 美 2作形容词的意思是仙女的 短语1fairy story 神话谎言 2tooth fairy。

10、The fairy tale story in both Chinese and English composition 400 words 刺猬智斗老虎 Hedgehog zhi dou tiger 有一只,刺猬杀死了一只老鼠,山猫想吃掉老鼠,刺猬不同意There is a, a hedgehog killed a mouse, the。

11、I teach the parrot how to learn English我教鹦鹉bai学英语The time in New YearDay, father bought a tiger skin parrot of shallow blue to send to me and I liked it very muchEvery time go home。